I grow things, I ride things, I bake things, I can things, I sew things and I make things. Sit with me on Aunt Mildred's Porch to witness this crazy journey I call my life and share the fun, laughter and utter foolishness that I come across from day to day.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Feel Good Friday -Christmas Eve
Well, it's Friday and you know what that means!! But it looks like the girl forgot it was Friday, so I'm out here solo.
1. So, the #1 thing I feel good about is k-ster's foot. You may know he went in for surgery on the 14th to remove a dead bone, a sesamoid bone, in his right foot. I know, dead bone???? It freaks me out because if one bone dies, what stops the rest from doing the same thing? But two doctors have said that is unlikely and for whatever reason, the blood supply was cut off from this bone and it died.
Where's the sesamoid bone, you ask? Right below the big toe, on the fat pad of the ball of the foot. Ohhh, right where we strike when we step! So, after all this pain, he had it out. After a week, he went back and had the stitches out and the doctor gave him a surprise. Instead of giving him the boot that he said he would, with more time off of it, he told him that in 5 days, which will be Monday, he can start walking as much as he feels like he can and he doesn't need a boot! WHAT??? When I asked about PT, he said he'll see what k-ster feels like in 3-4 weeks. 3-4 WEEKS??? He can run around as much as he wants until then? Yes. He can drive? Yes. He can do pirouettes? Ok, I didn't really ask that. Can he swim in a pool? NO. Oh, that was a sad one because k-ster has a pool membership and I thought that would be great non impact exercise. But the doctor said it would risk infection. But he can resume other activities, like walking again as of Monday.
After hearing that, everything changed. He immediately wanted to go for a ride, something he hasn't asked to do at all. He was so careful the first week, didn't go anywhere, took the painkillers around the clock (I know, because I woke up every time that alarm went off!!) didn't put pressure on it. Now he's itching for Monday.
And his mother brought a shower chair, so he took his first shower last night. He'd been performing some kind of antics with a stool at the sink in the bathroom all week, so this was a relief for him. And on Christmas, he will be allowed to put his foot in the shower instead of having to bag it and keep it hanging out.
We didn't realize how active we are until he couldn't be active. And everything had to come to a stop. And I had to plot everything I wanted to do so I'd know when I'd be home those first couple of days when he didn't get up. Then he got more adventurous and handled lunch and stuff himself. What a reality check!! Now to keep him from hopping in the truck Monday and going skiing..... Just kidding. I know he wouldn't try skiing but he is dying to drive.
2. I finished my afghan that I was making with the Bernat Crochet Along. It was a lot of fun because it was a mystery. Each week, we received a clue and had to make a certain number of that square, but there wasn't a picture. With the next clue, there would be a picture of what the last clue should have looked like. When I sewed it all together, I really started to like it. These colors have nothing to do with my house, so I am not in love with that aspect of it, but I really like how it came out. The flowers are actually 3D and were the most complex part of the entire thing. I used to dislike flowers like this on the old afghans I remember, but I must have gained an appreciation for them while making them!
My favorite part is this pretty edging. K-ster's favorite part is that it's over. He doesn't love it when I crochet because he says it's like I'm fidgeting and if he sat there fidgeting, I'd tell him to stop. True, but if his fidgeting produced something he could sell on etsy, then I'm all for it! If you like this and want more pictures, go check it out on my etsy.
3. I got a package! What the heck is this all about? I was contacted about a month ago by CSNSTORES, which is an online store where you can get lost for days in the huge amount of items they sell there. They contacted me because they found my blog and thought I might like to review something for them on my blog FOR FREE. Who doesn't like FOR FREE????
They gave me a $35 credit toward anything I wanted in the entire store. Which is HUGE and OVERWHELMING in its choices of products. I was looking for some kitchen things, and I found just about every brand I could think of in the kitchen department. Sadly, everything I wanted was out of stock. Too close to Christmas, I guess.
Then I thought about the need for new sheets, so I ended up getting a fitted sheet. It arrived very quickly, I only had to pay the difference between the total and my credit. If I had found a product that was less than $35, I wouldn't have paid anything. The sheet arrived and I washed it and it's already on the bed. I'm not going to do a review on the sheet because it's not made by CSNSTORES, so I'll review the experience instead.
I was contacted by one of their representatives and she got back to me right away with answers to all of my questions when I agreed to do the review. She explained how the $35 credit would work and it worked just as she said. I placed the order with no problem and received an email confirming the order and then another when it was shipped, which was in the next day or two. When the package arrived, I was surprised to see that it was shipped from Canada because I did not pay extra for the shipping. I was also surprised to see a customs declaration form on there with the country of origin for the sheet listed as China. This leads me to believe that CSNSTORES is a big warehouse, in Canada, where they import lots of items and then ship them as they are ordered. The overall experience was positive and I am happy that I was chosen to try out their services!
4. Magstopher has an extraordinary ability to find things on the internet that I could not find for a reasonable price, no matter where I looked. This summer, was looking for the movie Bienvenue Chez Les Ch'tis, Welcome to the Sticks, a hilarious French movie. I told s-ster all about the movie and how funny it was and how I could not find it on Netflix but I needed it to show my monthly French group. I eventually borrowed it from a French friend who was here for the year and happened to have it. When I looked to buy it online, it was a fortune.
I guess Magstopher was eavesdropping and she must have gone on right away and supersearched and bought it. Or she paid way more than I would have paid for such a funny movie. What a shock when it arrived in the mail the other day! Merci Magstopher and s-ster. (Magstopher isn't allowed to have credit cards. She'd be spending all her money on fake nails and oatgrass, and probably catnip, so s-ster has to make all of her online purchases,) And merci to e-ster though I am sure he has NO IDEA what any of this is about.
Now I just have to get k-ster to watch it with me. He doesn't love to read movies with subtitles and I don't blame him. But it's funny enough I think he would forget about the annoyance of reading.
5. We had snow this week, more than I was expecting and though that is not especially feel good worthy, we had a 2 hour delay on Tuesday and I liked that. Delays are ridiculous because once the phone rings, I'm up, but I guess I like feeling like I'm doing something bad by not going to school on time. But, I was told not to! The kids were pretty good this week considering it was the week before Christmas. But not a lot of teachers did much hoopla over it, so I think that helps keep the kids in check. And though the snow and the delay are enough to get them extra pumped, they stayed in control. Maybe there were so many reasons to be crazy that they just were overwhelmed and behaved.
We will have a white Christmas but it will also be muddy brown and gray and all sorts of colors. Much of it has melted so now the driveway is just soup and everyone's tracking muck everywhere. What's left is on the grass and it's just in patches. Never fear, winter is here, and it is rumored that the end of the weekend will be fraught*** with snowstorms.
Now go see if the girl has decided to pick up Feel Good Friday and if not, leave your own feel good comments here!
***Salem State needs to come take by the piece of paper they sent me saying that I am qualified to hold an M.Ed in Reading. I have proven in a number of circumstances lately that I cannot read. Now I just proved to k-ster that I can't spell. I am a master speller. I love spelling. I love correct spelling. If I ever have a Sharpie on my in the grocery store, where they hand write their signs, I will be arrested for defacing property because they spell EVERYTHING wrong and I wouldn't be able to help myself. K-ster doesn't love to spell and he asks me how to spell things all the time. I just now could not spell fraught. I was having a fit. Welcome to my world, he said. I asked if he happened to know how to spell fraught. He did. I thought it was frought like bought. But it's fraught like caught. And he knew. O.M.G.
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